Land Use

Protected vs Cultivated peat area in 7 priority provinces

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Protection peat: - ha, with concession area within: - ha

Cultivation peat: - ha, with concession area within: - ha

Source: Ministry of Forestry and Environment, 2017, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Plan, 2017


The area that designated for protected peatlands and cultivated peatlands are based on the Peatlands Ecosystem Maps with a scale of 1:250,000 which is available on the Ministerial Decree SK.130/MenLHK/Setjen/PKL.0/2/2017 on The Definition of National Peatland Ecosystem Function.

Protected Peatlands are peatlands area with a depth of three meters or more that has the primary function to protect and balance the water system, carbon storage, and biodiversity conservation.

Cultivated Peatlands are peatlands area that has a function in supporting productivity through cultivation according to its ability. Cultivated peatlands should has a depth less than 3 meters

Concession consists of concession for plantations including for pulp and paper and oil palm

Source Ministry of Forestry and Environment, 2017, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Plan, 2017


Ministry of Forestry and Environment, 2017, Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Plan


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