
Implemented Restoration in 7 priority provinces

Peatland restoration infrastructures constructed by BRGM from year to year. As of 2023 up to 107 PHUs have been successfully intervened.

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Source: Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2023


This dashboard shows the number of restoration implementations which are known as 3R: Rewetting (including canal blocks planning, deep wells, and canal backfilling), Revegetation, and Revitalization.

The restoration implementation steps can go up to 3 to 6 months depending on the intervention. The implementation steps include:

  • Canal blocks, where peat rewetting through the construction of canal blocks were implemented
  • Deep wells, where peat rewetting through the construction of deep wells were implemented
  • Canal backfilling, where peat rewetting through the construction of canal backfilling were implemented
  • Revegetation areas, where revegetation or replanting of peatlands through active interventions such as establishing nurseries, breeding, and planting, as well as passive interventions such as the promotion of natural regeneration and seed dispersal, were implemented
  • Revitalization areas, where livelihoods revitalization by developing peat-friendly, water-based, and environmentally-sustainable income-generating activities were implemented
Source Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2023


  • Not all of planning data passed through Survey Investigative Design (SID), Detail Engineering Design (DED) and Rapid Assessment (RA) that later on implemented on the ground.
  • Implementation restoration data in PRIMS showcase the completed implementation, collected and verified at the end of each year. Therefore, there will be discrepancies between the planned restoration and the actual implementation in a given year.
  • Restoration implementation data shows the implementation completed in the selected year. So that some implementaion data is the result of previous year's planning.


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Demonstration plots

Research and pilot projects within the rewetting, revegetation, economic revitalization, and integrated peatland restoration framework. These projects will be used as learning plots for replication of peatland restoration technology elsewhere.

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Source: Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2017-2020


This layer/dashboard shows the number of research plots conducted by BRGM in seven priority provinces. BRGM's Deputy of Research and Development has conducted research and pilot projects within the framework for rewetting, revegetation, economic revitalization, and integrated peatland restoration. BRG collaborates with research partners from universities, related institutions and ministries.

The outputs from these activities will be used to provide scientific support for achieving peat restoration targets. The trials are called research plots which will be used as learning plots for replication of peatland restoration technology elsewhere.

Source Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2017-2020


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Restoration Indicative Map 7 priority provinces

BRGM uses the Peatland Restoration Indicative Map (PIR) to plan the appropriate peatland restoration interventions based on local conditions at a specific area. Below are the ratio and areas of the four categories under the map.

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Source: Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2023


This dashboard showcases the total area that indicates the peatland restoration priority area. The area is analyzed based on degraded peatland criteria which factors in burned peatland, the presence of canal, protected peatland area, and cultivated peatland area. The analysis is utilizing the data which is available on BRGM, BBSLDP BIG, and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This includes the canal network map (UGM & BRGM, 2022), peatland ( BBSLDP, 2011), Administrative area (BIG, 2020), Peatland Ecosystem Function (MoEF, 2017), burned area (MoEF, 2015 -2020), Land Cover (MoEF, 2020), and PIPPIB 2021 Period I (MoEF, 2021) 

BRGM uses this map to plan appropriate peatland restoration interventions based on peatland degradation specifications. The Peatland Restoration Indicative Map requires detailed field verification to determine the optimal approach to peatland restoration. It is divided into four categories, namely:

  • Post-2015-2022 Fire Restoration Priorities – Priority restoration areas burned in 2015-2020;
  • Peat Dome with Canal Restoration Priorities (protection function) – Priority restoration areas located in deep peatlands with a thickness of more than 3 meters where canals have been built;
  • Peat Dome Without Canal Restoration Priorities (protection function) – Priority restoration areas located in deep peatland with a thickness of more than 3 meters, where no canals have been built; and,
  • Peat with Canal Restoration Priorities (cultivation function) – Priority restoration areas located in shallow peatland with a thickness of less than 3 meters, where canals have been built.
Source Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency, 2023


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Tinggi muka air tanah in 7 priority provinces

List of area and its groundwater level status. The groundwater level are obtained from telemetric groundwater level sensors and indicated the degree of peatland's wetness, and data is updated every 30 minutes.

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Province District Dangerous Caution Safe

Source: Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency 2018-2022


This layer or dashboard showcase the total groundwater level status on peatland, which differentiated into three categories Dangerous, Alert, and Safe. The data is generated from a telemetry groundwater level measurement apparatus every 30 minutes/1 hour. It contains data from the seven priority provinces (Jambi, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, Papua, Riau, and South Sumatra), up to the district level.

Disclaimer:Groundwater Level (GWL)  data requires further data quality control stages

Source Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Peat and Mangrove Restoration Agency 2018-2022



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